Lisa Schilling makes work that lives in the shadows: a darkened movie theater, an unlit alley, a root cellar. Cool, dark places where the warmth of daily life is restricted and it is easy to mistake one thing for another. Her work touches on our national obsessions with film, crime and food, and shows us that when we dim the lights the shameful, guilty pleasures that we fear make us unique all begin to look the same. 

Lisa Schilling was born and raised in a small town in Northern California where an early brush with violent crime and community scandal made a deep and lasting impression. After working in the film industry in Los Angeles and New York City building sets and mixing large quantities of fake blood for horror films and ad campaigns she attended art school at CCAC in Oakland, CA (now CCA) and MICA in Baltimore, MD. Lisa lives in Brooklyn, NY where she teaches ceramics, freelances as a food-stylist, consults for an art advisory and practices Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
